One of our most successful, and earliest public facing blog experiments, Walking The Wall is almost over.
Even though the Great Wall of China exhibition moved on from PHM a while ago, our intrepid Great Wall walkers continued their trek, blogging as they went.
146 post and 630 comments later, they have finally finished their walk which is still being documented at Walking The Wall.
Brendan and Emma have walked thousands of kilometres and taken gigabytes of photos along the way. As you may remember, they were injured and had to return to Sydney to recover before continuing their journey. It is important to remember that Brendan and Emma approached the Museum as volunteer walkers and have done the whole trip at their own expense!
The blog of their travels has received over 150,000 visits during their trip and has been extremely successful with national radio coverage as well as several broadsheet stories, both locally and internationally. These online visits are in addition to the thousands who stopped by the blog as an interactive in the galleries in Sydney and Melbourne.
You can continue live vicariously through their stories and images and feel free to leave comments – they do read them frequently.
I’d like to thank Brendan and Emma for their generous efforts.