Museum blogging

A new look Fresh & New

I’ve taken the plunge and upgraded WordPress and at the same time changed themes, upgraded plugins etc. And, bar a few fiddly errors, it went pretty smoothly. One word of advice for others lagging on really old versions of WordPress – take the time to upgrade version numbers one at a time (major stable version by version) rather than jumping straight to the latest – it saves a lot of pain.

I hope the new look makes posts a little more readable and navigable.

A number of readers who have been lumbered with SOEs (standard operating environment) that still insisted on an outdated version of Internet Explorer were complaining that the last redesign left them unable to read all the comments on longer posts should now be happy too.

6 replies on “A new look Fresh & New”

Hi Martin

No caching at this stage – haven’t had time to investigate properly yet. Which plugin do you recommend?

I’m using wp supercache which seems to be running ok and has led to a minor improvement in site performance. It’s a bit fiddly to install and set up, chiefly because the instructions aren’t very clear (to my mind anyway). Once installed, there are various configuration options available from within the WP admin panel.

would be nice if you’d turn on fully syndicated content. i’ve found getting to your blog to be slow and tend to avoid it – would be nicer to get full post in my feed reader (but you’d have to give up stats for that, i guess)

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