Digitisation General Imaging

Pests and Diseases Image Library (PaDIL)

PaDIL (Pests and Diseases Image Library) is a image library that combines leading edge technology in light microscopy, digital imaging and image manipulation. It provides ‘virtual specimens’ of a type only previously possible using low-power scanning-electron microscopy to assist AQIS officers and other front-line entities to identify pest species which potentially threaten Australia’s ecosystem using a visual key. Find out more about PaDIL.

Take a look at PaDIL. Count the hairs on the antennae of an Oriental Latrine Fly! View the fact sheets, email them to all your friends.

General Imaging

Art of Science

Some amazing scientific art at Princeton where a new annual competition has been set up.

AV Related Copyright/OCL General Imaging Interactive Media

web postcard

Museum of Canada has a web public program where a postcard of museum collection object can be sent with message. very simple.
I had been vagulely working on a revamped free after admission soundhouse program with a similar outcome, though not web delivered. Rather visitors make postcard (actually a small quicktime movie) in soundhouse and emails this to home or friend.
Mary in EVS has been selecting potential images for use and has begun enquiring about rights for use.
Would this be easy or hard to re-produce here, given an approved set of images??

General Imaging Interactive Media

Analysis of Adobe/Macromedia Merger

“Adobe’s purchase of Macromedia makes perfect sense, to allow it to achieve the scale needed to compete against operating system vendors; for that reason, it probably won’t raise anti-trust flags. The two companies have almost as small an overlap as when Aldus and Adobe merged, which resulted in Adobe unloading FreeHand to Macromedia. If the FTC cares at all, it may force Adobe to spin off GoLive, FreeHand, and Fireworks in favor of market leaders Dreamweaver, Illustrator, and Photoshop.”

From Toms Hardware Guide –

General Imaging


An open standard for the camera RAW format has just launched.


“We want camera manufacturers to publicly document their RAW image formats — past, present, and future. The goal of OpenRAW is to encourage image preservation and give creative choice of how images are processed to the creators of the images. To this end, we advocate open documentation of information about the how the raw data is stored and the camera settings selected by the photographer.

If the current practice of hiding data and dropping support for older models of cameras continue countless images will be unreadable with no software to decode them. Only openly documented RAW formats will make it possible to decode RAW files in the future.

Many have suggested (and Adobe has created) a common, open file format for RAW image files for all camera makers to use as a solution to the RAW problem. A common, openly documented RAW format used by all manufacturers could fulfill the goals of OpenRAW, but it is not the only way to reach them. Open documentation of all RAW files by manufacturer’s is the quickest way for OpenRAW’s goals to be reached. “