Its been a long time since the last missive and much has happened. Enough, in fact to fill several posts in their own right. I could use the excuse of busy-ness but I’m endeavouring to get back on the wagon with regular posts. In the interim, here’s some pointers to some of the recent goings on that you may have missed.
The office did a feature interview with me about what I currently do at Cooper-Hewitt in the monthly email newsletter. You can read the nitty gritty here. It is probably as good a summary as any.
Back in August Cooper-Hewitt announced its first code acquisition. This was something that Aaron Cope and I had been working on for several months in secrecy and it was very rewarding to finally get it out and public along with all the press. Planetary, an iPad app, is interesting as an acquisition for number of reasons – detailed in the long curatorial piece we wrote together. Personally, I hope it triggers a lot more discussion in the field around what it means to ‘collect’ already ubiquitous objects and interactive systems.
Aaron and I have also been collaborating on a course at Pratt, and our students have been poking at a number of things – the first, their mid-session assignment, is online. As they say, “[they] are collecting information about large donations sent to museums and other cultural institutions and sharing it with the public.” . . .
And in October the my team hosted the lovely Virginia Gow as the Paul Reynolds Travelling Scholarship recipient for 2013. Virginia spent three weeks onsite, deeply embedded, contributing a lot of fresh ideas. She’s blogged about her experience over on the Labs blog.
Stay tuned.